Upcoming Courses
This page will be updated when FACM schedules the next class.
Education Objective:
All courses are recommended to be taken in class order and should not be deviated from. By taking them in order the students alleviate any problems by having the knowledge to go to the next course. The courses are now being given in course order which will help students target their educational needs. Each course now will have a prerequisite that is recommended to be taken before the subject course. A student may challenge a course.
By establishing these guidelines the FACM board is trying to establish a higher quality of education, a more respected Designation and a easier path to final CCF or CCM designation.
In order to achieve this Objective, FACM and the Florida Department of Revenue have partnered to deliver these, and IAAO courses, from time to time throughout the year.
Courses offered by FACM:
FACM 01 - Mathematics for the Cadastralist
Compute triangles.
Perform area calculations.
Understand and use coordinates for boundary calculations.
Understand and use practical applications of coordinates and area calculations in cadastral mapping.
FACM 02 - Public Land Survey System for the Cadastral Mapper
Have an historical understanding of the events leading up to the PLSS.
Understand the basic concepts of Section, Township, and Range.
Know how to read and locate a legal description from the PLSS.
Have an understanding of how boundaries can change due to nature.
Be presented with a basic knowledge of GPS, Datums, and Map Projections.
Encounter further subdividing of land thru the condominium and platting process.
FACM 03 - Interpretation of Real Property Descriptions
Know why we use the systems of describing land that we do
Understand the different methods of describing real property
Understand the terminology used in the various descriptions
Be able to break down the different types of descriptions into their various parts to aid in plotting or computing same
Understand the basics of resolving discrepancies among descriptions
Have a rudimentary understanding of water boundaries and the effects both mankind and nature may have on same
Plot different types of descriptions and begin map compilation in preparation for FACM Course 4 and Know where to go for help if all else fails.
FACM 04 - Basic Map Compilation
Provide Students with the educational tools needed for competent cadastral mapping and to complete one of the requirements needed for the Certified Cadastralist of Florida (CCF) designation.
FACM members Course Cost: $300
Non FACM members Course Cost: $350
FACM members: Course Challenge: $250.00
Non FACM members: Course Challenge: $300.00